The January meeting.

Dear Sir or Madam

Serdecznie zapraszamy na pierwsze w tym roku spotkanie Górnośląskiego Towarzystwa Genealogicznego „Silius Radicum”, to be held 20 stycznia o godzinie 18:00 w siedzibie Muzeum „Górnośląski Park Etnograficzny w Chorzowie”, in a room on the first floor.

Spotkanie będzie kontynuacją cyklu poświęconego mapom Górnego Śląska w przeszłości i obecnie. W tym dniu planowana jest prelekcja, którą wygłosi Pan Henryk Gliński, związana z tą tematyką.
Tematem prelekcji będzieLokalizacja obiektów w terenie na podstawie dawnych map i planów.

W pierwszej części wystąpienia zostanie omówiona georeferencja (geoodniesienie, kalibracja) dawnych map i planów w programie OziExplorer (Windows, wersja trial) na przykładzie planu fryderycjańskiej kolonii Masów (niem. Massow) koło Opola. Wykonana kalibracja planu kolonii umożliwiła porównanie przebiegu granic działek z okresu zakładania kolonii z obecnymi.
W drugiej części zaprezentowana zostanie aplikacja na Androida Maps Explorer, umożliwiająca wyświetlanie jako nakładki na mapy Googli dowolnych map użytkownika i lokalizację w terenie różnych obiektów. Aplikacja ta daje również możliwość porównania dokładności map Messtischblatt i Urmesstischblatt.

Ponieważ jest to pierwsze spotkanie w 2025 roku poświęcimy nieco czasu na sprawy organizacyjne i finansowe GTG. Będzie również czas na rozmowy, wzajemne wsparcie w wyjaśnianiu problemów z odczytem dokumentów genealogicznych, sukcesach iporażkachw przeszukiwaniu archiwów dostępnych w Internecie.

Admission to the meeting is free. We cordially invite all interested!

President of GTG
Mirosław Mitrenga

Szanowni Państwo Serdecznie zapraszamy na pierwsze w tym roku spotkanie Górnośląskiego Towarzystwa Genealogicznego „Sili...

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New records on our website!

Dear Sir or Madam,

We publish news from our digitization projects:
1. Our friend, so far known mainly for indexation and huge achievements in genetics, Izabella Wojsyk, started in the last quarter 2024 r. digitization of the Upper Silesian Civil Registry Office books, located in the resources of the State Archives in Częstochowa. Today we are making available (on a separate Metrics and Indexes subpage) full books for 5 USC: Brusiek, Lubsza (Lubschau), Woźniki (Woischnik), Green (Green), Żyglinek (Klein Zyglin). The resource on our website complements the scans available at www. Therefore, if a certain year is not available on our website, then look for it. Soon another USC…
2. An index from the Civil Registry Office Kozłowa Góra has been added to the Registry Office Indexes tab.
3. The Record Books tab contains two additional record books of the Evangelical parish in Tarnowskie Góry, digitized in the rectory, for which we thank Fr. Sebastian Mendrok, the parish priest of that parish.
4. We have provided baptisms for the evangelical parish in Ustroń 1924 and marriages and deaths with 1944 year.
5. Information for those who are impatient – digitization is underway in the Gliwice branch of the State Archives - not only indexes, but also the files of the Civil Registry Office - Bogna Witalińska and Alojzy Dłubis work there - resources will be updated on our website soon.

Happy browsing!
Mirosław Mitrenga, President of GTG

Dear Sir or Madam, We publish news from our digitization projects: 1. Our friend, known so far mainly....

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Christmas wishes.

To all members of Silius Radicum, We wish our supporters and those who want to join our group healthy, Merry Christmas spent with your loved ones talking about the past and the future.
In the upcoming one 2025 We wish your dreams come true this year, new genealogical discoveries.

To all members of Silius Radicum, We wish our supporters and those who want to join our group healthy, cheerful....

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December association meeting

Dear Sir or Madam

We invite you to the December meeting of the Upper Silesian Genealogical Society “Silesian Roots”, to be held 16 of December this year at 18:00 at the headquarters of the Upper Silesian Ethnographic Park in Chorzów”, in a room on the first floor.

The topic of the meeting will be: "The Duchy of Cieszyn from the perspective of genealogy and more", will lead the lecture dr Michael Morys-Twarowski. It is, among others,. author of two genealogical monographs on the Morys and Tomanek families, as well as many articles devoted to other families living in Cieszyn Silesia. During the meeting, it will be possible to purchase the speaker's latest publication, pt. “History of the Duchy of Cieszyn”, the publication of which became the motive for our December discussion on the specificity of genealogical research in the Cieszyn part of Silesia, as well as the history of these lands.

As, that this will be the last meeting of our genealogical society in 2024 year, After the meeting, there will be time for festive refreshments, wishing each other Christmas wishes, free conversations on genealogical topics and more, and also to announce some important organizational information, especially related to initiatives, that we want to take in 2025 year.

Admission to the meeting is free. We cordially invite all interested!

Szanowni Państwo Zapraszamy na grudniowe spotkanie Górnośląskiego Towarzystwa Genealogicznego "Silius Radicum", which from....

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The November meeting.

Dear Sir or Madam

We invite you to the monthly GTG meeting, to be held 18 November this year at 18:00 at the headquarters of the "Upper Silesian Ethnographic Park" museum in Chorzów.

Meeting topic: “maps. Inventory of GTG resources”.

The meeting will be devoted to maps from the resources of the Upper Silesian Genealogical Society. Our colleague Mr. Krzysztof Bulla will tell us about the characteristics of particular types of maps.
If any of you have maps in your collection, we will be grateful if you would like to show off the sheets you have.
During the meeting, we would like to determine what sheets we could obtain, buy. Please do so. preparing your needs in this area.
See you in the open-air museum.

Ladies and Gentlemen, We invite you to the monthly GTG meeting, to be held 18 November this year at....

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