Death certificate of Josef Wosnitz, USC Bielschowitz, 1918

Home Forums Translations Death certificate of Josef Wosnitz, USC Bielschowitz, 1918

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  • #43857

    I would like to kindly ask you to translate Josef's death certificate, file no 243.

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    Bielschowitz of the day 3 July 1914
    The management of the local Bracki Hospital reported today in writing that:
    Waiter's apprentice Oskar Machalica, 15 years, Catholic, ur. Beuthen O/S zam. Zalenze district Kattowitz, son of weightlifter Josef Machalic and his daughter Marie from the house Michalczyk both rooms. w Bielschowitz, in Bielschowitz, in the Bracki Hospital, he died on the same day 2 July 1914 in the morning at a quarter past eleven.


    Sorry, there was a mistake, it was about JOSEF WOSNITZ z 1918, I am attaching the file with Josef's cut-out nude again, file no 172.

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    OK, well, once again
    Bielschowitz 3 July 1914
    Mine trolley Valentin Woznitza resident. in Bielschowitz reports that
    josef woznitsa, age ¾ hour, Catholic, ur. w Bielschowitz, raise. w Bielschowitz, son of the reporting person and his wife Ernestina née Tomaschowski in Bielschowitz in the reporting person's apartment on July 2 1914 he died at a quarter to four in the afternoon.


    Thank you very much 🙂

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