I warmly welcome
He deals with the history of Żelisławice
now it is the province. Silesian , pow. Będzin , Commune of Siewierz , Zagłębie Dąbrowskie
I am interested in where they could be:
1. brewery
2. inn
3. mills
I have information on:
1. boundaries ,
2. nobility ,
3. army ,
4. akt ,
5. pandemic cemeteries ,
6. noble mansions ,
if someone has old maps to show where the brewery could be, an inn and a mill, I would ask you to show the place where these places were located . I know where the old roads were, for example to Siewierz Myszków Pińczyce Zawiercie .
I know where the Czekanka and Zakamień mill were
Thanks for any help