Table of Old Bieruń residents of December 1910 r.

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    I put a list of inhabitants of December Bieruń 1910 year. The list includes the address of a resident, house number is given in brackets. Not all enumerators were serving the names of the individual concerned, somewhat surprising, given the official nature of the document. Nevertheless, it is a mine of knowledge about the inhabitants Bieruń.

    Successful search!


    PS. I enclose also included a list of, in Word format, as an attachment.


    Ring: [1] Jos. Blueberry; [1] Paul Wisniowski; [2] Valentin Gawlik; [2] Franz Kulas; [3] Ant. Skrzypietz; [3] Emanuel Spyra; [3] Karl Baruch; [4] Rudolf Dlugai; [5] Anna Bendel; [5] Salo Tichauer; [6] Peter Pienrzewski; [6] Valentin Byok; [6] August Byok; [6] Jos. Black; [6] Theodor Hettwer; [7] Karl Bendel; [7] Franz Muschiol; [7] Albert Kalder; [8] Jaesche Wilh .; [9] Cieslik Jos .; [10] Banasch Winz .; [10] Kostyra Val .; [10] Pawelsik Sophie; [10] Kulsky Franz; [11] Walter Hein .; [12] Schaefer Ber .; [15] Dlugosz July .; [16] Gawlik Lorz .; [16] Blumenfeld Ad .; [16] Gabbe (?); [17] Braier Paul; [17] Kordylewski Stef .; [18] Wrobel Jos .; [18] Scholz July .; [19] Fitzek Val .; [19] Wilk Anna; [19] Smietana Balt.

    Krakauerstr .: [20] Bílek, Pharrer; [21] Myalski August; [21] Myalski Thekla; [21] Paul Czempas; [22a] Kotzurek Franz; [22b] Rudzki August; [22b] Berry Joseph; [23] Christ Sylvester; [24] Lubetzki Joseph; [24] Makarowski Anna; [25] Poczontek Jakob; [25] Watzlawowitz Pauline; [26] Paul Nyga; [26] Rybon Hedwig; [27] Kotzurek Agnes; [27b] Czempas Marie; [28] Schmietana Matthaeus; [28] Marie Baruch; [29a] Gretka Konstantine; [29b] Leopold Johann; [31] Paul Czempas; [33] Franz Schibinski; [34] Bobla Anna; [34] Marie Gawlik; [35] Chromy Johann; [35] Simon, Paul; [Krakauerstr. Hospital 35] Olschek Eva; [37] Taistra; [37] Nyga; [37] Nyga; [37] Nyga; [39] Woditsch; [39] Kotulla; [39] (……?); [39] Powrosla; [40] Golla; [40] Gawlik; [41] Kotzurek; [41] Kostyra; [41] Sweinski; [42a] Kutschik; [42b] Dziubany; [43] Hensel; [43] Hudzikowski; [44] Dr Rybok; [44] Tyroll; [45] Pudalik; [46] Kusch; [47] Smietana; [47] Bieronski; [47] Ronskowski; [47] Kutz; [47] Czempas; [48] Meieron; [48] Czempas; [49] Kruppa; [50] Weihsenberg.

    Nicolaistr.: [51] Drobik Josef; [51] Drobik Valentin; [51] Rudolf Otto; [52] Fabian Franz; [52] Stasch Paul; [52] Kostyra Sofie; [53] Lubetzki Marie; [54] Stenzel Valentin; [54] Mroczek Franz; [55] Cichy Clem.; [55] Blasczyk Kath.; [55] Wilk Marie; [55] Miedzwinski Johann; [56] Blasek Josef; [56] Kotzurek Josef; [56] Bobla Paul; [56] Schneider Franziska; [57] Wilk Josef; [57] Wrona Johann; [57] Pietruschka Simon; [57] Pietruschka Marie; [58] Urbanczyk Joh.; [58] Urbanczyk Marie; [58] Tatoj Valentin; [59] Kulski Josef; [59] Miernik Josef; [60] Goy Josef; [60] Latocha Alb.; [60] Latocha Ant.; [61] Latocha Matth.; [61] Wrona Adam; [61] Saternus Alb.; [62] Jagoda Thom.; [62] Kowalski Sophie; [64] Skiba Emil; [64] Sewerin Val.; [64] Hudzikowski (…?); [65] Wilk Balthas; [69] Kruppa Jos.; [69] Kruppa Sophie; [71] Gretka Joh.; [71] Gretka Sophie; [71] Bönisch Paul; [72] Jagoda Frz.; [72] Pawelczyk Joh.; [72] Gattner Sim.; [74] Kubitza Frz.; [74] Kubitza Jos.; [76] Ehrlich Amalie; [77] Dziubany Jos.; [77] Latocha Sophie; [78] Stenzel Marie; [78] Kaczmarczyk (Vinz.?); [79] Nowok Frz.; [80] Kruppa Joh.

    Langestr.: [81] Buczek; [82] Siedlaczek; [82] Klimczek; [83] Sikora; [83] Zolna; [85a] Hudzikowski; [85b] Poczontek; [85b] Goralczyk; [86a] Loch Sofie; [86a] Loch Franz; [86b] Noras Vinz.; [87] Jalowy; [87] Siedlaczek; [88a] Kucz Jos.; [88b] Kotzurek; [88b] Przylutzki; [89] Kostyra; [90] Wrobel; [90] Bobla; [90] Siedlaczek; [90] Pietzka; [91] Czempas; [92] Nyga; [93] Figiel; [93] Nyga Eva; [93] Nyga Alb.; [94] Kostyra Paul; [95] Kowalski; [95] Wisniewski; [96] Losson; [96] Laby; [97] Miernik; [97] Miernik; [98] Figiel; [98] Mazurczyk; [98] Solnetzko; [99] Miernik; [99] Fitzek; [100] Latocha; [100] Latocha; [100] Kaczmarczyk; [101] Halmla (!?); [101] Latocha; [102a] Latocha; [102b] Bienek; [102b] Goralczyk; [103] Wilczek; [103] Wilczek; [103] Goralczyk; [103] Poczontek; [104] Schmeer; [104] Olowson (!?); [104] Suchy; [105] Borzutski; [106] Piekarczyk.

    Spritzenstr .: [107] Bulla; [107] Nyga; [107] Filipek; [107] Śmiłowski.

    Langestr .: [108] Figiel; [108] Stenzel.

    Spritzenstr .: [111] Nowak.

    Mathias Str.: [112] Wieczorek; [112] Jagoda; [112] Latocha; [112] Tischler; [113] Drobik; [113] Dlugai; [114] Sewerin; [114] Kubina; [114] Mika; [114] Klösel; [114] Krafczyk; [114] Panek; [115] Pawelczek; [116] Pawelczyk; [117] Pawelczyk; [122] Hycz; [123] Zwyrtek; [123] Raczek; [123] Watzlawowitz; [124] Marthe Kulski; [124] August Siedlaczek; [124] Marie Kulski; [126] Mihael Dudka; [126] Anna Rygula; [126] Paul Smietana; [126] Katharina Bobla; [126] Anna Szombara; [127] Sofie Kowalski; [127] Teresia Pawelczyk; [128] Valentin Goy; [129] Johann Szorek; [130] Josef Blażek; [130] Marie Loska; [130] Joh. Waczlawowitz; [131] Marie Berry; [131] Johann propanol; [131] Katharina Schitko; [132] Josef Hycz; [135] Franz Stasch; [135] Marie Rygula; [135] Johanna Kubin; [135] sofa Kaczmarczyk; [135] Marie Pawelczyk.

    Damenstr .: [136] Kotzurek Josef; [137] Latocha Jacob; [137] (Mazol?) Florentine; [137] Valentin SCHULE; [137] Czempas Marie; [138] Dlugou Paul; [139] Nemella Josef; [140] Spyra Anna; [141] Willer Johann; [141] Ehrlich Jettel; [141] Bieroński Jacob; [142] Pawelczyk sofa; [142] Pawelczyk Elisabeth; [157] Strzezik Agnes; [157] Gawlik Josef; [157] Czempas Marie; [158] Kroker Oswald; [159] Gawlik Vinzent; [164] Gretka Josef; [166] Anna Pawelczyk.

    Erdmanns Str .: [143] Lubetzki; [143] Masurczyk; [144] Strzezik; [144] Hycz; [145] Śmiłowski; [145] Klick; [146] Noras; [146] Noras; [146] Noras; [146] Olzek; [147] Strzezik; [147] Strzezik; [148] cream; [148] MANDU; [151] Noras; [152] Drobik; [152] Mikos; [156] Śmiłowski.

    Damenstr .: [156] Shula; [156] Kutzek.

    Gertenstr .: [167] Śmiłowski; [167] Horst; [168] Latocha; [168] Kotzurek; [169] Hycz; [170] Pannek; [170] Bobla; [170] Mlotzek; [170] Michalski; [171] Nyga; [171] Nyga; [171] Nyga; [176] Karwath; [176] Zaremba; [180] Michalski; [180] Michalski; [185] Latocha; [185] Fitzek; [186] Kotzurek; [186] Kotzurek; [186] Gretka; [187] Gentile; [187] Bolik; [188] Turkey; [188] Lubetzki; [190] Severin; [190] Bendel.

    Sackstr .: [183] ​​states; [184] Latocha; [184] Czempas; [184] Michalski; [184] Hytsch.

    Alexanderstr .: [194a] Malina; [194b] Kuschik; [194b] Hudzikowski.

    Wittelstr .: [195] Tapachula; [196] Tyga; [196] Strzezik; [196] Zolnetzko.

    Paulstr.: [197] Hensel; [197] Hudzikowski; [197] Krafczyk; [198] Kruppa; [198] Kotzurek; [198] Rogalski; [198] Kotzurek; [198] Stachon; [199] Czyrwik; [199] Nyga; [201] Blasczyk; [201] Blasczyk; [201] Blasczyk; [202] Sewerin; [202] Banert; [202] Schorek; [202] Latocha; [203] Tomalla; [203] Lubetzki; [203] Mlotzek.

    Kopietzstr.: [204] Czyrwik Jakob; [204] Nyczek Anna; [205] Gawlik Johann; [206] Klapsia (…?); [206] Indyka Agnes; [207] Indyka I Paul; [208] Kostyra Valentin; [209] Wischnowski Josef; [210] Indyka II Paul; [211] Latocha Franziska; [211] Florys (…?); [211] Nyga Josef; [211] Pawelczyk Paul; [211] Kowolik Sofia; [213] Bobla Josef; [213] Solarczyk Johann; [213] Fitczek Josef; [214] Myalski Paul; [215] Watzlawowitz Ignaz; [215] Grollik Franz; [216] Kiwadowitz; [216] Pawelczyk; [216] Olzek; [217] Pannek; [217] Laby; [217] Mloczek; [217] Rygula; [218] Kotzurek; [221] Latocha; [221] Olzek; [222] Fitzek; [222] Nowok; [223] Gawlik; [223] Gawlik; [224] Nyga; [225] Nyga; [225] Kotzurek; [226] Zolna; [226b] Watzlawowitz; [227] Hytsch; [227] (Mzyk?); [227] Pietruschka.

    Valentin Place: [228] Josef Seibert; [311] Martin Lubetzki; [311] Paul Bendel; [311] Barth. Klimsa; [311] Franz Schwirgott.

    Boischower Street: [229] Josef Schostek; [230] Karl Labus; [231] Paul Mikos; [231] Matt. Góralczyk; [232] Karl MORAWIETZ; [233] Val. Jlowy; [233] wood. Schula; [235a] Val. Figiel; [235a] Matth. Karwath; [236b] Eduard Schwahn; [236b] Mijalski Maria (name has been deleted Theodor, Maria name was overwritten!); [236b] Barth. Figiel; [240] Albert Niessytto; [241] Me. Oschek; [245] Anna carriage; [245] Marie Kutsch; [246] Alex. Kasperczyk; [247] Anna Kutz; [None Number!] Val. Blasek.

    Krkauarstr .: [249] Labus Josef; [249] Smietana Joh .; [250] Dudek; [251] Hriosmus; [253] Nyg; [253] Nalin; [256] Shtenshel; [256] Watolla; [257] Karwath Jo .; [260] Karwath Joh .; [260] Shchul; [260] Kcshmrchshyk; [261] Hriygul; [261] Bhobl; [261] Khotshurek; [262] Karwath A .; [263] Gloch; [263] Niessyto J .; [263] Smietana Th .; [263] Niesyto Jacob; [264] Nachur; [264] Sobnik; [264] Shchorek; [265] Grabowski J. I; [265] Grabowski J. II; [265] Góralczyk; [266] Grabowski (...?); [266] Knoppek; [267] Rosmus; [267] Dlugay; [268] beak; [268] Suchanek; [268] Olczek; [269] Kaczmarczyk; [269] naked; [271] Karwath A .; [271] Kutz.

    Breslauer Vorstadt: [273] Noras Martin; [274] Kotzurek Val .; [275] Krupp Anna; [276] Pietrzik Tekla; [277] Hachula Albert; [278] Silent Valent .; [279] Karl Gawlik; [279] Berry Joh .; [280] Noras Marie; [280] Lubetzki Eva; [281a] Banasch Jos .; [281b] Knoppek Thom .; [281b] Berkop Florent .; [282] Karl Dlugay; [283] Poczontek Sof .; [284a] Nyga Hedwig; [284a] Nyga Franz; [284b] Nyga Marie; [284b] Nycz Joh .; [285] Fitzek sofa; [285] Tyol Marie; [286] Gawlik Franz; [287] Severin sofa; [287] Severin Jos .; [288] Noras Jacob; [288] The meter Marie; [289] Rudzki Franz; [289] Galyga Hedwig; [289] Mansel Marie; [316] Rygula sofa.

    Convenience Gehöft: Joh Dziuba.

    Colonie Berun [292] Hamerla; [293A] Janos; [293b] Koza; [294] Kucz; [295] Kotzurek; [296] plate; [297a] Krzikawski; [297b] Blaszczyk; [298] Fijol; [298] Urbanczyk; [299] Gruschka; [299] Gretka; [300] beak; [300] beak; [301] Pluta; [301] Maier; [302] Spoczek; [302] Urbanczyk; [303] Large; [303] Schostek; [304] Krzikawski; [305] Nyga; [305] Niesyto; [306] Jendryschik; [306] Polko; [306] Schöser.

    Housing officials (Feldhaus I): Kuntz.

    Housing officials (Feldhaus II): Straub; Help; Dittrich; Braier; Simon.

    Stallgebäude (Feldhaus): Matz; Gembalczyk.

    Wilkmähle Feldhaus: Borkowy; Nowak Jos .; Nowak, a sofa; Franz wolf.

    Vittgehöft: Wilk Joh .; Wilk Hedwig; Saternus Jos.

    Detonator factory: Carpenter Ant.

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    Do you have information, to which streets do the names refer? I know, that Langestrasse is today's ul. Słowacki in Bieruń, but the others bother me



    I did not pursue the topic on purpose, because my immediate ancestors lived in the Bieruń market square, and I didn't have to specify anything here.

    Based on old postcards, today's ul. Krakowska is undoubtedly the former Krakauerstrasse, and today's Oświęcimska is probably Nicolaistrasse.

    As for the other streets, it is difficult for me to say anything more precise. Among my materials I have a lot of scans from AP Pszczyna, including the market plan developed at the end of the 19th century. in connection with the planned placement of a customs office next to it, and in my free time I will try to check, or by any chance on the above-mentioned plan there are no German ones mentioned, old names of streets departing from the market square.

    The cadastral map would give us a full picture, but I haven't seen this one, and I don't even know if he is in the PA in Pszczyna, or still in the Poviat Starosty?

    In closing, let me ask you about the subject of your research, name, family, or more broadly, the history of Bieruń / Stary Bieruń? Maybe I can help somehow.


    PS. The census of residents itself also shows the number of people living under a given number, divided into men and women, but without their personal details, only the name of the owner / tenant is given.

    As a promised complement, the above-mentioned plan does not mention street names.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Historyk85.

    Thank you for your answer.
    The subjects of my research are mainly the Noras families, Łosoń / Losson, Mika, Guardian, Dlugoń, Taistra, Loch i Dittirich.
    Franz Loch mentioned in the list may be the son of Franz Loch who came to Bieruń from Ciesznów, in the vicinity of Koźle – died in Bieruń in 1877 year.
    Likewise, the Dittiri family living in Ergu must be the family of Marta Taistry with. d. Dittrich, my great-grandmother.
    I have the biggest problems with identifying members of the Noras family, due to their large number.

    Regards, Marcin


    Hello Marcin,

    During the weekend I will try to review the collected materials, knowing the names, maybe I'll find something interesting?

    But I mark it in advance, that these are mainly municipal documents created from the 17th to the beginning of the 19th century. XX w., and they mainly contain letters related to the current functioning of the magistrate and the town in the official dimension, but there are also lists of people who participated in the election of the mayor and councilors (i.e.. they are men, a curiosity are their handwritten signatures, of course when they could write), and other lists created for specific purposes.

    From older materials, I can only mention the complaint of cottage workers and bailiffs from Bieruń from the end of the 18th century. against the Princely Camera.

    I personally regret it, that the oldest sources related to the history of Bieruń and its inhabitants were irretrievably lost in the fire of the town in 1845 r.



    Thank you very much for your interest.
    Karol Noras will certainly be present in the city files, son of James, city ​​juror in the years 1935-39. During the same period, Jan / Johann Noras, city ​​secretary, son of Wincenty.
    In earlier times, perhaps Marcin / Martin Noras will appear, ur. 1805, son Johanna / Jana.



    I reviewed the collected materials, the yield is perhaps not very impressive, but maybe you will be interested. I have divided the attachment into three parts because of the size, they are basically handwritten signatures, with the given reference number and date of submission.

    List of the inhabitants of Bieruń with 1742 r. lists two people with surnames you are interested in, namely they are:
    – Casper Mika, zagrodnik
    – Clown Strzezyk, khalupnik

    The trial files of the Bieruń homesteads and cottage workers with the Dominican Office (the Prince's Chamber) from 1774 – 1778 they name the farmer Klimek Mika (Mika), which he was bound to 6 days of serfdom. (AKPszcz. X, ill. 2613, k. 221).

    As for the other information, to w “Describing the church of Bieruń with 1791 r.” there is Helena Noraska, who gave the parish priest instead of a tithe 1 rye drill i 1 oat drill and 2 Czech and 6 denarii. (J. Local, “History of the parish church in Bieruń”, Bieruń 1996, s. 206).

    However, when it comes to information from the census of residents from December 1910 r., I can clarify this, that the Dittrich family consists of three men and two women, and Sophie Loch – 2 women, and Franz Loch – 1 male i 1 woman.

    There isn't much of it, Probably the most interesting will be the captions, but the 19th century material is dominant here, for which there are record files anyway, and the materials themselves are not strictly genealogical, After all, these are not even land files.


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Historyk85.
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    Second attachment.

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    Third attachment.

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    Actually, the captions themselves are very interesting – an amazing feeling to see your own signature before 150 years.
    Nevertheless, I can't do much with them. Even the Marcinów Norasów in the 19th century, there were probably three in the Bieruń Parish, so it's hard to assign them to a specific person.
    I think that the information from the census of residents is the most promising – I'll have to try to find out, is there any inventory of former Ergu / Lignozy employees somewhere.
    Thank you very much for all your help – if I can repay something, go ahead.


    Good morning!
    Jadwiga Noras is in my tree, who had married Jan Moll from Szopienice before 1767 r. The lack of a wedding in the parish of Mysłowice may testify, that she was not from the Noras family from Brzęczkowice, although I found Jadwiga Noras b. 24.09.1750, daughter of Mateusz and Dorota. It seems too young to me, because she would have to give birth 1 child aged 17 years. Do you have no information about such a wedding? regards, Slawomir Brzoska


    Mr. Slawomir
    Unfortunately, my Noras family tree only goes back to 1805 year.
    I know that in the middle of the 18th century this family lived mainly in Jaroszowice, Bieruń parish. From there he also settled in Urbanowice – in both localities they are millers.
    Much earlier – until the end of the 16th century – this name appears in the village of Łąka on today's Goczałkowicki Reservoir.
    I do not know what happened to the Noras family in the 17th century.
    Later – at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, I also found a trace of another milling family, Noras from Ławki – today's district of Mysłowice, then (I think) the parish of Lędziny.
    The very name Mateusz is repeated quite often in the Noras family from Jarosław and from Bieruń – for example,. w 1826 In Bieruń, Matusz was baptized, son of Matusha Noras, burgher.
    It is not a lot, but I hope this information will be of some use. If you have additional questions, I am happy to help.



    Jaroszowice and Urbanowice are also within the scope of my interest, and in the course of my research I made scans of complaints from the inhabitants of these villages against the Duke's Camera at the State Archives in Pszczyna (mainly the, but not only) for years 70 XVIII w. until the beginning of the 19th century.

    Some complaints from Urbanowice from the 18th century. i have developed a bit, ie. translated into English. Polish.

    I do not know, did you notice but I have posted here on the forum lists of the inhabitants of Jaroszowice and Urbanowice, compiled on the basis of the Carolingian cadastre l. 1723 -1726, but the Noras are not mentioned by them, and in the town of Bieruń, they had to appear after 1742 r., because they are not included in the census of inhabitants that was then created.

    In the collections of the Silesian Library there is a manuscript of an unpublished monograph by Ludwik Musioł entitled. “Urbanowice. Commune and parish: historical monograph”, I haven't gotten through to her myself yet, but it would certainly bring a lot of valuable information, especially from the 17th and 18th centuries. – although in my opinion Musioł's works are divided into better and worse in terms of facts, by. monograph of Tychy and Bieruń.

    The status of millers also prompts to search in the collection of Court Records, which is part of the Archives of the Dukes of Pszczyna, section X Court and trial files, there are wills, copies of contacts, court cases etc; in the pre-pandemic times, I only got a glimpse of these treasures.

    A few mentions about the Kulski family from Bieruń from the end of the 17th and beginning of the 20th century. XVIII w. I was able to track down there, but after looking at one unit in its entirety, let me notice, that the nobility is dominant there, and also the bourgeoisie, free village leaders, and the millers, I am writing about the latter because the townspeople of Bieruń brought a lawsuit against one of them, and one of the applicants was one of the Kulski family.

    shame, that there are no personal indexes, nor geographic to these books, not to mention the registers. I dreamed up a little… 😉


    PS. By the way, it would be worth pushing the Forum a bit more into the past, and encourage a more comprehensive search, than just baptism, wedding, death, and next, next…, until the metrics are enough.


    To supplement the previous post.

    In the aforementioned complaint of the inhabitants of Urbanowice from. 1775-1780 bears, Jon Noras, miller and farmer at the same time. Along with the others “individuals” (quote, it is literally like that in the original!) appeared at the Pszczyna castle 7 brand 1781 r, and in Lędziny 22 brand 1781 r.

    However, the information will be more interesting, that the homestead was taken over by 1764 r., thus, he is probably the same as Jonen mentioned in the book of labor (1764). The question remains open, did he also take over the local mill this year?

    And probably true “sensation” there will be information for you, that Martin Noras had previously been named Stoptha / Footsteps. information, it comes from the above-mentioned complaint of PKPszcz. X, ill. 3088, k. 31v. I upload a fragment of the scan, as an attachment.

    In the complaint against L.. 1805-1809 no Noras, for this in the next l. 1806-1808 is Anton Noras, chałupnik (Pszczyna, 12.06.1806), later appointed deputy / a representative by the applicants.

    In the complaint of the village of Jaroszowice from L.. 1775-1781 people named Noras are absent.


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    Thank you very much!
    The Jadwiga Noras I was looking for, probably from Brzęczkowice, may have had her roots in Słupna, because it's close? She must also have come from a family of millers, for one of the children was written down when they were baptized “Miller”.
    Unfortunately, the oldest books in AAD from Bieruń come from around the middle of the 18th century, so it will be difficult to determine the affinity of the Noras millers scattered around this area 🙁

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