GTG status “Silesian Roots”


Upper Silesian Genealogical Society "Silius radicum"

of 18 October 2014 r.

(consolidated text as amended by 20 May 2019 r.)

Chapter I

General provisions

§ 1

1. The Association called - Upper Silesian Genealogical Society "Silius radicum" - hereinafter referred to as the Association, It operates under the provisions of the Act of 7 April 1989. - Law on Associations (consolidated text: OJ. from 2001 r. No. 79, item. 885 as amended. d.), and under this statute. The Association may use the abbreviated name - GTG "Silius radicum".

2. Association acquires legal personality from the moment of entry into the National Court Register.

§ 2

The name of the Association is legally restricted.

§ 3

1. The seat of the association is the city of Piekary Slaskie.

2. The area of ​​the Association is the Polish Republic.

3. The Association may conduct its operations outside the Republic of Polish as well as be a member of national and international organizations with similar profile.

§ 4

The duration of the Association is unlimited.

§ 5

1. Association bases its activities on the social work of members.

2. Association, fulfilling its statutory objectives, It can operate in a payable or free. Income from paid activity Association seeks to achieve its statutory objectives.

3. To conduct its affairs may hire employees or outsource certain tasks to others.

§ 6

1. The Association may use badges, legitimacy and seal the principles specified in the detailed rules.

2. A sign of the association is the logo containing the black tree on a blue background. Boughs of trees form the shape of the shield, in which the yellow eagle Silesian. Below the eagle on a tree trunk are scythe and hammers Mining yellow. The whole is contained in a black circle with white lettering “Upper Silesian FAMILY”. At the base of the tree is a ribbon with the inscription “Silesian Roots”.

Chapter II

Objectives and methods of operation

§ 7

1. The association is a voluntary association of people interested in genealogy, history, culture and family tradition, in particular related to the Upper Silesia. The aim of the association is to disseminate knowledge genealogical.

2. The Association socio-cultural activities, in particular by:

1) Bring together people involved in genealogical research and the integration of environmental genealogists,

2) The improvement and deepening of knowledge among its members and genealogy research workshop,

3) Initiating genealogical research,

4) Cooperation in the field of genealogy organizations, institutions of science and culture and archives church and state,

5) Cooperation in the field of genealogy with churches and religious associations,

6) Cooperation with Polish and foreign associations genealogists,

7) Developing cultural and educational activities among members,

8) Meetings and lectures devoted to genealogical,

9) Issuing bulletins and publications on topics genealogical,

10) record, documenting and surrounding the care of archives and genealogical materials as evidence of national culture,

11) Supporting the establishment of family ties and multigenerational, based on common cultural heritage.

§ 8

The Association is not established.

Chapter III

Members, their rights and obligations

§ 9

1. Members of the Association may be by adults and minors under the provisions of the Act of 7 April 1989 r. – Law on Associations (consolidated text OJ. from 2001 r. No. 79, item. 855 with subsequent amendments).

2. Members of the Association may be Polish citizens, also RESIDE in the Republic of Polish, but who hold Polish citizenship.

3. Members of the Association may be aliens.

4. A legal person can only be a supporting member of the Association.

§ 10

Members of the Association are divided into:

1) Ordinary members;

2) Supporting members.

§ 11

1. An ordinary member may be a natural person with Polish citizenship, regardless of place of residence, as well as a person who is a foreigner, regardless of place of residence, with full legal capacity and not deprived of public rights, which:

1) Accept the rules contained in this Statute, objectives and program of the Association;

2) Complete and sign a declaration of membership;

3) Pay a membership fee.

2. A supporting member may be a legal person, whose head office is located in the Polish Republic, interested in the activities of the Association, which declared in its favor financial aid, intellectual or factual.

3. Ordinary members and support should be adopted by resolution of the Board, on the basis of a written declaration.

§ 12

1. An ordinary member has the right to:

1) Active and passive voting rights to the authorities of the Association;

2) Submit comments and proposals to the authorities of the Association;

3) Appeal at the General Meeting of Members of the Association of the resolution to delist members;

4) Use any device, equipment and space Association on the principles set by the Board of the Association;

5) Participate in events organized by the Association on the principles set by the Board of the Association;

6) Services and the help of the Association according to the applicable rules and regulations;

7) Under the authority of the Board to represent the Association.

2. An ordinary member is obliged to:

1) To comply with the provisions of the Articles of Association, regulations, resolutions and orders issued by the authorities of the Association;

2) Actively participate in the work and objectives of the Association;

3) Care for the good name of the Association;

4) Regular payment of premiums in force in the Association.

3. Member of minors has active and passive suffrage, accordance with the provisions of the Act of 7 April 1989 r. – Law on Associations (consolidated text OJ. from 2001 r. No. 79, item. 855 with subsequent amendments).

§ 13

1. Supporting members are accepted by the Board of the Association after submitting a written declaration.

2. The supporting member is obliged to:

1) To assist the Association in achieving its statutory objectives;

2) Comply with the provisions of the statute and regulations;

3) Will pay the premium in the amount declared.

3. The supporting member has the right to:

1) Through their representatives participate – an advisory capacity – the General Meeting of Members, but outside the electoral law;

2) Put forward proposals and conclusions to the Association, judge and the criticism of its activities;

3) participate – an advisory capacity – the statutory meetings of the Association.

§ 14

1. Membership in the Association ceases due to:

1) Dissolution of the Association;

2) Voluntary resignation from membership in the Association, notified in writing to the Board, after settlement of any obligation of the Association;

3) Member's death or loss of legal personality by a supporting member;

4) By the deletion of the Management Board from a list of members due to unjustified arrears in membership fees or other obligations, for a period exceeding two years;

5) Exclusion as a result of actions detrimental to the Association and in spite of its Statutes and regulated due;

6) Exclusion due to the action to the detriment of other members of the Association;

7) Exclusion by a final judgment of a court of general adjudicating additional penalty in the form of deprivation of civil rights

8) Exclusion as a result of the loss of legal capacity.

2. In the case referred to in paragraph. 1 point 1 and point 5-7 the cessation of membership in the resolution of the Management Board shall decide giving his reasons for.

3. A person excluded or deleted has the right to appeal to the General Meeting of Members within 14 days from the date of receipt of the relevant provisions. In this case, the Management Board is obliged to include in the agenda of the next General Meeting of Members point for consideration filed appeal.

4. For persons, which denied membership applies the principles set out in paragraph. 3.

Chapter IV

Authorities Association and the scope of their competence

§ 15

1. The governing bodies of the Association are:

1) The General Meeting of Members;

2) Revision Committee;

3) The Board.

2. The term of office of elected authorities of the Association continues 4 patch.

§ 16

1. General Assembly is the highest authority of the Association.

2. The General Meeting of Members may attend any ordinary member of the Association, and also supporting members in an advisory capacity and invited guests in an advisory capacity.

3. reporting – electoral General Assembly is held every four years.

4. The General Assembly is convened by the Board of the Association not less frequently than once a year. Notice of General Meeting of Members shall be made 14 days before the meeting, stating the agenda, time and place according to standard practice.

5. The Extraordinary General Meeting of Members shall be convened to consider a particularly important and urgent matters concerning the Association. Shall be convened by the Management Board on its own initiative, at the request of the Audit Committee or at the request of 1/3 Association members. The Extraordinary General Meeting of Members shall be convened within 6 weeks of the request, and with the provisions contained in section 4.

6. The Extraordinary General Meeting of Members shall adopt resolutions only in cases, consideration for which it was convened.

§ 17

The powers of the General Assembly should adopt resolutions on all matters, in which the Statute reserves to the competence of other authorities, associations, especially:

1) Adoption of the Statute and its amendments;

2) To determine the main directions of activities and objectives of the Association;

3) To establish programs that define the broad lines of the Association's activities;

4) Choice of the Association, Audit Commission in open or secret ballot, depending on the resolution adopted. Persons elected to the Association must agree to the adoption of the proposed functions. The choice of authority occurs among an unlimited number of candidates;

5) Appointing and dismissing members of the Association;

6) Consider and approve the reports of the Board and the Audit Committee;

7) Granting discharge to the outgoing Board at the request of the Audit Committee;

8) Appeals against the resolutions of the Board in matters of State; appointing committees to handle specific issues;

9) Deciding on the amount of membership fees;

10) Adopting a resolution to dissolve the Association and allocation of its assets in accordance with applicable regulations.

§ 18

1. Debates of the General Assembly directs the Bureau composed of the Chairman of the General Assembly and Secretary, which draws up the minutes of the meeting. The choice is made by the Presidium of the General Assembly at the beginning of the meeting.

2. The Chairman of the General Assembly and the Secretary is elected in an open vote.

3. Chairman of the General Meeting of Members can not be a member of the Board or the Audit Committee.

4. Resolutions of the General Assembly conducted the first deadline passed with a vote by simple majority with at least half of the total number of members, unless the Statute provides otherwise.

5. Resolutions of the General Assembly convened in the second term by a simple majority of votes irrespective of the number of members present.


§ 19

1. The Board supervises all activities of the Association, in accordance with the resolutions of the General Meeting of Members, They represent it on the outside and is accountable to the General Meeting of Members.

2. The Board of the Association counts from 2 do 4 people, elected by the General Meeting of Members in secret or open voting, depending on the resolution adopted.

3. The Board elects its president, Vice-Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer, with the possibility of combining the function.

4. Operating Principles of the Board's Statutes, resolution of the General Meeting of Members and the Regulations of the Association.

§ 20

1. The Management Board as the executive body of resolutions and decisions of the General Assembly, directing the work of the Association between General Meetings of Members:

1) Decide on the activities and development of the Association;

2) Takes a position on socially important problems;

3) Determines the economy of the Association;

4) Adopt as a member of the Association and adopts resolutions on removal of members;

5) Keeps a list of members of the Association and membership records;

6) Proposes to the General Meeting of Members on the determination of the amount of membership fees;

7) Ensure that the statute of the Association and execution of resolutions, plans and guidelines of the Association adopted by the General Assembly,

8) Prepare draft resolutions to the General Assembly, with the procedure and rules for the selection of the Association;

9) Adopts resolutions on the acquisition, selling and encumbering Association, accepts donations, bequests and grants;

10) Incur obligations on behalf of the Association;

11) Prepare and submit to the General Assembly of Members reports on their activities, including the financial statements;

12) Decide on the accession of the Association with other associations and organizations;

13) Appoints committees problem – determining their composition, the powers and duties;

14) Is an initiative to adopt resolutions and draft resolutions of the General Meeting of Members and regulations provided for in the Statute;

15) Includes an agreement on cooperation with central and local government authorities and other associations and organizations;

16) Grants full powers ordinary members, if these are required for the unwavering pursuit of the business office of the Association;

17) Represents the Association outwards.

2. Management Board resolutions are passed by a simple majority of votes of at least half of the members (a quorum), except that required the presence of President or Vice President of the Board. In case of equal distribution of votes "for" and "against" vote of the President is the voice of binding.

3. Board of the Association may adopt a resolution in the individual mode of collecting votes. In this case, it is considered adopted resolution, if the draft resolution was presented to all members of the Board and signed by at least half of the members of the Board.

4. Board meetings shall be convened by the President or a person authorized by him.

§ 21

To conclude, granting power of attorney and submitting other statements of intent, in particular in matters of property, required signatures of two members of the Management Board acting jointly.

revision Committee

§ 22

1. The Audit Committee is a body of the Association appointed to exercise control over its activities.

2. The Audit Committee counts from 2 do 3 people, elected by the General Meeting of Members in secret or open voting, depending on the resolution adopted.

3. Members of the Audit Committee may not:

1) To be members of the Association, spouses of members of the Board or remain with the members of the Board of consanguinity, subordination or employment income;

2) Be convicted of an offense of willful misconduct.

4. The Audit Committee shall elect a chairman, Vice-President and Secretary.

5. Resolutions of the Audit Committee, They are taken by simple majority of votes, the presence of at least half of the total number of members (a quorum), except that required the presence of the Chairman or Vice-Chairman of the Audit Committee. In case of equal distribution of votes "for" and "against" the Chairman of the Audit Committee is the voice of binding.

§ 23

The responsibilities of the Audit Committee include:

1) Controlling the overall activities of the Association, including control of the economy in kind and financial control of the implementation of resolutions of the General Assembly;

2) Applying to the General Meeting of Members of the conclusions of the checks carried out, including motions to dismiss individual members of the Board;

3) The existence of the request to convene the Extraordinary General Meeting of Members if it finds non-compliance by the Board on its statutory obligations, as well as the right to request the convening of a meeting of the Board;

4) Convening the General Meeting of Members if it is not convened by the Board within a time limit Statute;

5) Submitting to the General Meeting of Members of applications for granting or refusing to grant discharge to the Board of the Association;

6) Reporting on its activities to the General Meeting of Members.

§ 24

1. The Audit Commission has the right to inspect all documentation Association, especially the financial records and assets, including examining the legality of evidence of cash and financial. Control powers of the Audit Committee also include management of financial and in-kind under, wheels and commissions.

2. Members of the Audit Committee are entitled to participate in an advisory capacity in meetings of the Board.

§ 25

In case of resignation, exclusion or death of a member of the Association during the term of office, the composition of the government may be supplemented by co-option. The Board and Audit Committee – may co-opt its composition of another member of the Association of. The number of co-opted members may not exceed 50% the number of members of the force for a given power.

Chapter V

Assets and funds

§ 26

1. Assets of the Association are the movables and funds.

2. Assets of the Association is only intended to implement the statutory goals.

§ 27

1. The sources of the assets of the Association are:

1) Income from entry fees and membership fees;

2) donations, records and downs;

3) Grants;

4) Benefit from the generosity of the public;

5) Income from movable, income from capital (interest, deposit, actions);

6) Proceeds from paid activity;

7) grants.

2. Membership fees can be paid throughout the accounting period, no later than the last day of December.

3. The fiscal period is the calendar year.

4. The Association manages its finances and accounting, in accordance with applicable regulations.

5. Excess of carrying amount of the financial year is designed to bring the fund in the next fiscal year.

Chapter VI

Change of the Articles of Association and the dissolution of the Association

§ 28

1. Changes to the Articles of Association shall adopt the General Assembly in the first period of a majority 2/3 votes of at least half of those entitled to vote, while in the second term, regardless of the number of current.

2. Adoption of a resolution to dissolve the Association by the General Assembly requires a qualified majority 2/3 votes, the presence of at least half of the members entitled to vote.

3. Adopting a resolution to dissolve the Association, the General Meeting of Members shall determine the manner of liquidation and allocation of the Association's assets.

4. In relation to the dissolution and liquidation of the Association, not regulated in the Articles of Association, The following regulations apply Chapter 5 Act of 7 April 1989 r. Law on Associations (Journal. The. 1989 r. No. 20 item. 104 with subsequent amendments).