Damien, that’s incredible, I can’t believe how much information you’ve found on my family. This has made me so happy, I owe you a big drink 🙂 I didn’t realise how big the family was and how far back it goes. So many more Uncles and Aunt’s I did not know about. I presume Michael Klimas must have been the son of one of my Uncles. I have attached a couple of photos so you can put faces to the people you have researched. One photo is of Grandfather Johann Klimas and Grandmother Martha Klimas (Polczyk) on their wedding day. Grandfather born in 1879 and Grandmother 1898 so a few years between them. The other photo is of My Grandfather Johann and I think with his Mother Marie Klimas (Blazyca) and brother Jozef.
Once again Damiem thank you for all your help 🙂 Edmund