help research Kataharine Marie Szewietzek

Strona główna Fora Poszukiwania help research Kataharine Marie Szewietzek

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  • #36755

    Hello group, thank you in advance for your help. I need assistance researching my great great grandmother. I can´t find anything anywhere. Someone gave me her birthrecord and that´s all I have. The name is Katharine/Katharina/Catherine Marie Szewietzek/Szewetzek/Schewietzek. She was born 1877-04-04 in Warschowitz (Warszowice). Her parents were Johann Szewietzek and Anna Katharina Konietzny.

    Thank you very much


    • Ten temat został zmodyfikowany 2 years temu przez ceciliamedici.
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