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Over the last half a year (not having enough time), I have been gradually acquiring birth certificates for my grandfather and his siblings. Just out of curiosity, to know, where my great-grandparents moved. Yesterday I was at the Civil Registry Office in Chorzów, to obtain a photocopy of the birth certificate of the youngest sibling, Joseph, from 1920 r. The lady stated, that I can't get this act, because I am not a direct relative. I was surprised, because I had previously received such a certificate at the Civil Registry Office in Katowice. The lady suggested, that one of his closest relatives can write an authorization letter in my name, which made me laugh, because Joseph had no children, and his siblings are long dead. I was sent to the deputy head of the Civil Registry Office. It came out of the conversation, że poprzednie akta uzyskałam przed wejściem RODO. Jeśli się będę upierać przy fotokopii tego aktu muszę napisać do kierownika USC ekstra pismo z mocnym uzasadnieniem. Poczekam, aż ten akt znajdzie się w Archiwum w Katowicach 🙂