Reply To: First World War

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Christopher Bull

Picture, that you posted from the list of losses of World War I. The selected person was only slightly injured, So I think it will be difficult to find more information about it on the internet. A little different in the case of the fallen, because you can search for graves, etc. However, it can be assumed, if the list only mention the loss 7 Pawłach Kuznikach from different towns are eliminated by this coming from Chropaczów it could be an ancestor of the Lord. Only the question arises whether it agrees with some family stories, for example,. about the fact that he was injured and where it happened?

The person on the attached picture of the Lord served in the Reserve Infantry Regiment No.. 27. If I'm not mistaken is from May to September 1916 This year, the unit fought on the western front in the vicinity of Verdun. Looking at the date of preparation of the list assume, that this person was injured it was during the Battle of Verdun.

Alternatively still looking for information on the German archives, but this will not help, I have not tried to look at them, this type of information. Especially, that most of the documents reportedly burned down in 1945 year.