Dear Sir or Madam
We cordially invite you to the first meeting of the Upper Silesian Genealogical Society "Silius Radicum" this year., to be held 20 January at 18:00 at the headquarters of the "Upper Silesian Ethnographic Park in Chorzów" Museum, in a room on the first floor.
The meeting will be a continuation of the series devoted to maps of Upper Silesia in the past and present. A lecture is planned on this day, which will be delivered by Mr. Henryk Gliński, related to this topic.
The topic of the lecture will be: “Location of objects in the field based on old maps and plans.”
In the first part of the speech, georeferencing will be discussed, calibration) of old maps and plans in OziExplorer (Windows, trial version) on the example of the plan of the Frederician colony of the Masses (German. Massow) near Opole. The calibration of the colony's plan made it possible to compare the plot boundaries from the period when the colony was founded with the present ones.
The second part will present the Maps Explorer Android application, enabling the display of any user's maps and the location of various objects in the field as an overlay on Google Maps. This application also gives you the opportunity to compare the accuracy of Messtischblatt and Urmesstischblatt maps.
Because this is the first meeting in 2025 This year we will devote some time to the organizational and financial matters of GTG. There will also be time for talks, mutual support in explaining problems with reading genealogical documents, successes and “failures” in searching archives available on the Internet.
Admission to the meeting is free. We cordially invite all interested!
President of GTG
Mirosław Mitrenga
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Ladies and Gentlemen, we cordially invite you to the first meeting this year of the Upper Silesian Genealogical Society "Sili...
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