Subsequent scans of the USC acts from the northern part of Upper Silesia are available!

Dear Sir or Madam,

We have provided you with further acts of USC from the northern part of Upper Silesia: the Civil Registry Office of Boroni, Cieszowa, Dobrodzień, foxes, Lubliniec and Olszyna. remind, that this is in addition to that, what is available at www. So vintages, which we don't have, look for it!

Happy browsing!
The Board GTG

Views: 93

Dear Sir or Madam, We have provided you with further acts of USC from the northern part of Upper Silesia: the Civil Registry Office of Boroni, Cieszowa, Good ...

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March meeting.

Ladies and Gentlemen!

We invite you to the meeting of the Upper Silesian Genealogical Society "Silius Radicum", to be held 17 brand 2025 the chair. 18:00
at the headquarters of the "Upper Silesian Ethnographic Park in Chorzów", in a room on the first floor.

The meeting will be a continuation of the started in 2024 year of action, whose goal is to facilitate the GTG members of studies about the place, from which their ancestors came.

In the case of Silesia, we can talk about exceptional happiness, because in addition to the harvest of historical maps we have others, valuable sources of information about the towns located here.

On Monday, 17 brand 2025, Mrs. Antonina Żaba, It will introduce us to the world of Silesian topography, fixed by
from the poplar near Kamieniec Ząbkowicki, cartoonist Friedrich Bernhard Wernher (1690-1776).
Friedrich Bernhard Wernher is the author of a beautifully illustrated manuscript:

Silesia in Compendio Seu Topographia This is a praesentatio and description of the Duchy of Silesia […].

Topography, dated to the second half of the 18th century, contains maps, Plans and views of the towns and individual urban-architectural assumptions.

The purpose of the presentation, which Mrs. Antonina Żaba will lead, It will be paying attention to unusual mapping methods, which Wernher used in his study.
Water mills are a particularly interesting group of these performances, which will be discussed in more broadly in the presentation.

The author of the presentation encourages you to use access to the work in question at the Digital Library of the University of Wrocław:

We invite all members of the GTG Silius Radicum and starters, and not only, your adventure with genealogy.

On behalf of the board, they invite
Antonina Żaba and Izabella Wojsyk

Views: 56

Ladies and Gentlemen! We invite you to the meeting of the Upper Silesian Genealogical Society "Silius Radicum", which will take place.

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Another update of indexes to the act of USC!

Dear users,

After less than two weeks, we provide another over 1.400 Scans of indexes from the following Upper Silesian USC:
– USC Nowa Wieś (U 1894-1921, M 1935-1941, FROM 1935-1942)
– USC Wirek (U 1900-1924)
– USC Bykowina (U 1915-1921, MZ 1935-1941)
– USC ORRZEWÓW (U 1913, 1915-1921, MZ 1930-1941)
– USC Mizerów (M 1938-1939, FROM 1938-1943)
– USC Nowy Bytom (MZ 1936-1941)
– USC Suszec (MZ 1938-1942)
– USC Siemianowice-Zamek (UMZ 1900-1924)
– USC Bijasowice (U 1874-1922, M 1874-1940, FROM 1874-1939)

Have a nice browsing and thanks to Zbyszek freedom!
The Board GTG

Views: 131

Dear users, After less than two weeks, we provide another over 1.400 scans of indexes from the following..

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Update of indexes from the next Upper Silesian Civil Registry Office!

Dear users,

Zbigniew Swoboda scanned another index from the Civil Registry Office from the AP headquarters in Katowice:
– USC by apartment (u do 1925, MZ do 1942),
– USC Kochłowice (U to 1921, MZ do 1941),
– USC Halemba (U do 1921, MZ do 1941),
– USC Sucha Góra (MZ to 1954),
– USC Bielszowice (U do 1925, MZ do 1941),
– USC Czarny Las (U DO 1924),
– USC Godula (U Do 1925, MZ do 1945).
In total over 1700 scans – Have a nice browsing!

The Board GTG

Views: 256

Dear users, Zbigniew Swoboda scanned another index from the Civil Registry Office from the AP headquarters in Katowice: - USC by apartment ...

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The February meeting.

announce, that the February meeting of the Upper Silesian Genealogical Society “Silesian Roots” for reasons beyond the control of us will not take place.
We will inform you about the date of the meeting of our Society planned for March.

President of GTG
Mirosław Mitrenga

Views: 30

announce, że lutowe spotkanie Górnośląskiego Towarzystwa Genealogicznego "Silius Radicum" z przyczyn od nas niezależn...

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