My tree – names Grzondziel / Grządziel, Sonsalla, Ochmann, Rother

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    Dear Sir or Madam,

    I am looking for my ancestors coming from Silesia. I got to the middle of the nineteenth century. Compared with the branches of the family of the Polish Central exploration in Silesia they are a challenge :) I decided to ask in this forum, if anyone of you hit the course of their research on the names of trees:

    Grzondziel / Grządziel- Katowice, Royal Huta, Chorzów,
    Sonsalla – Royal Huta, Chorzów,
    Ochmann = Hajduki, Chorzów,
    Urbanczyk – Hajduki

    Furthermore, in the province. Koźle Opole parish – Rother i Matushek.

    I will be very grateful for any information.


    Catherine Grządziel

    Damian Jureczko

    The names Grządziel (Grzondziel) meet quite often. I stumbled on it in Bytom (see our indexes), domestics, Mikołow (about parish) .With name Sonsalla and Ochmann met in Piekary. Overall it known to me the names of both the books and records of people today living in Silesia (they wear all my friends). It might be worth unsubscribe specific ancestors?
    Damian Jureczko

    Damian Jureczko

    The names Grządziel (Grzondziel) meet quite often. I stumbled on it in Bytom (see our indexes), domestics, Mikołow (about parish) .With name Sonsalla and Ochmann met in Piekary. Overall it known to me the names of both the books and records of people today living in Silesia (they wear all my friends). It might be worth unsubscribe specific ancestors?
    Damian Jureczko


    Sometimes when I do not know where my ancestors may be used looking towards where the data is most common name. A few times, this site helped me in the search metrics weddings or births ancestors. Where knowledge is the most searched name is obviously useful when the name is not as popular as the name Ochmann / Ochman – although these parties by the name most often occurs in Silesia in Tarnów Mountains, Bytom, Katowice and Chorzow. When the name is not very popular is the result of the occurrence of the most common names in the city, or region reflects quite well the place where they can come up with the name of the ancestors.
    To find out where the data is most common name recommend entering all possible forms of writing such names for Sonsalla should also check for Sonsala and Sonsała.

    Good luck in your search
    Marek Szastok


    Family Grzondziel one of the oldest families documented in the Katowice area today.

    Some data:
    Grzondziel – 1598Jan Grządzielczyk, Zalenze (Municipal Book of Myslowitz),
    1628Martin Grządzielczyk, Zalenze (Church books in Bogutschütz),
    1660: Grzondziel, Domb (Liber Parish in Chorzow fabricae),
    1686: so Grzondzielowskie Genand piece (Dołącznik to the document dot. border dispute between Zalenze (Załęże), Bogutzker Hammer (today Katowice) and Brynów),
    1732: Matusz Grzondziel, Kattowitz (Urbar 1732),
    1739: Grzendziel, Half Bauer in Bogutzker Hammer (Inventarbuch the rule Myslowitz), 1738: Matusz and Michael Grzondziel, both gardeners in Katowice, nikolay Grzondziel, Gardener from Brynów, Lorenz Grzondziel, Häusler from Katowice, staro Grzondziolka from Katowice [all from the Bogutzker Hammersdorf machinations native].

    The occurrence of names in other places:
    1532 – der Bauer Woytek Grzondiel in Krier (Kryry) – Reclaimed the Standesherrschaft Pless
    from 1625 Grzondziel name is very common in Myslowice (arrived there from depend)
    1720 – Jacob Grząndziel, Bauer in Wyrau (virgin)
    1724 – Grzes Grzondziel, annoch 5. year frey, Häusler in Kokocinietz (Katowice-Kokociniec)

    In 19.wieku spread into nearby villages and settlements emerging industrial.
    Please provide more details about families sought Grzondziel in Chorzow, Royal Huta Katowice, I'll try to help.

    Best wishes

    Adam Peter



    Just indexes Bogucice parish of birth. Grządziel name appears there very often. A few years is already available on the project website “metrics”.

    On the other hand Sonsalla name of my ancestors wore depend on (today Katowice).

    Regards, Paulina Radkowska


    Załęże, there before the creation of the parish (1896), belonged to the parish Bogucice. Likewise Katowice (1873, St Mary's Church parish records have existed 1860). Therefore the name Grzondziel / Grządziel occurs so often in Bogucice. Not to mention the Bogucice line from mid 19.wieku.

    Oak (to 1895) Belonged to the parish in Old Chorzow.

    Wyry and were Kokociniec, before erecting them in the parish, to Mikołów (St.. Wojciech).


    Adam Peter


    Thank you for all the tips and suggestions. Browsed indexes placed on your site. There are so many just do not know Grzondzieli, who are my :). My knowledge of the family is as follows:

    postcolonial pradziadka:
    Paul Grzondziel (1889-1919)
    Marta Grzondziel ((1890-1967)
    Andrzej (1892-1981) – my grandfather
    Juliusz(1896-1973) – activist Silesian
    Helena Barakońska sentence. Grzondziel (1898-?)

    all born in Chorzow

    their parents
    Paweł Grzondziel (1851. Bogucice Katowice – 1925 Chorzów)
    Joseph sentence. Rother (1857 par. Łężce k.Koźla – ?)

    Paul's mother Jadwiga Grzondziel.
    She is not in the birth records in the parish of Katowice Bogucice 1830 year, so I suspect that she was born a few years earlier.

    Mrs. Paulino

    Sonsalla is my great-grandmother's maiden name Odilia, Andrew's wife Grzondziel. Otylia (1896-1957) was the daughter of Johann and Anna Martha Sonsalla Sonsalla sentence. Ochmann (1870 – 1919). My great-grandmother Anna Martha is the daughter of Franz Ochmann Ochmann and Frances sentence. Urbanczyk.

    Thank you for all the help and guidance,

    Catherine Grządziel

    Jan Lubos

    Ochmann name appears quite frequently in the eighteenth century parish Lubecko, It seems to be already well established in the region.



    My great-great grandfather from the side we called Joseph who was born in Grządziel 1872 and I lived in Katowice Welnowiec like I'm not mistaken.


    My Sonsalla are the Orphans / Schieroth municipality Wielowies.


    My father was one of fourteen children of
    Paul Joseph Grzondziel and Franziska Paulina Chwalek.
    Paul Joseph Grzondziel
    born 01.08.1872 Katowice-Dab
    died 07.01.1927 Ruda Sl.

    Franziska Pauline Chwalek
    born. 18.08.1876 leg
    died 1918 leg

    married on 20.08.1894 Zalenze (14 children)

    Years ago, I found an interesting article on “Katowice gardener”, Unfortunately, he does not exist any more and my computer lost data after a loss. There you could find quite a few Grzondziels in the Katowice area.- by the way “gardener” used to mean people, beßaßen the not own land and rent in kind to the owners paid = paupers.
    Good luck in search!

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by Grzondziel. Reason: Error by special characters

    My father was one of fourteen children of
    Paul Joseph Grzondziel and Franziska Paulina Chwalek.

    I like to share with you my research on FN Grzondziel with. Request to order direct message: they turned him true rche n@ya

    Best regards

    Adam Peter

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