Searching for missing Great Aunt last seen in Hindenburg/Zabrze in 1940
Strona główna › Fora › Poszukiwania › Searching for missing Great Aunt last seen in Hindenburg/Zabrze in 1940
- This topic has 12 odpowiedzi, 5 głosów, and was last updated 3 years, 8 months temu by
6 marca 2020 o 23:44 #20462
UżytkownikI am trying to find anything about my great aunt, Hildegard Magdelina Kolassa, born in Laurahuette, 28 March 1903. She was last seen by her sister-in-law in 1940 in Hindenburg/Zabrze. She was never heard from after the end of the Second World War.
I have looked through the available Catholic church record for a marriage or death and have found nothing. Is it possible that the local cemeteries have a listing of those that are buried there?7 marca 2020 o 15:20 #20499Alwexis
I dont know if its yours family tree on Ancestry, but according to it (the birth certificate not on the left side) she died in Kattowitz (Katowice today) 10.12.1989. There was also her photo attached, see my attachments.
You must be logged in to view attached files.11 czerwca 2020 o 16:17 #21113Jan
UżytkownikPoszukuję parafii, w której znajduje się księga metrykalna urodzin i chrztu
Andrzeja (Jendrzey’a)Sznapki,urodz. prawdopodobnie ok. 1735 r., syna Tomasza z Drogomyśla. Był kucharzem pańskim i dnia 7.7.1772 ożenił się w Drogomyślu z
Zuzanną Białek, córką Jana Białka.
Chodzi o ustalenie daty i miejsca urodzenia Andrzeja Sznapki.
Mój e-mail: sznapka.jan@seznam.czProśba skierowana do p. Andrzeja, wiek 50-59, Polska, którego znalazłem w serwerze My Heritage na Search Connect. Pan Andrzej jest również zainteresowany
poszukiwaną osobą.Attachments:
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11 czerwca 2020 o 19:04 #21115RichardK
UżytkownikTo Alex regarding your post of 7 Mar 2020. I somehow missed this post until today. I think the document and picture you have attached to your message are from the family tree I have on Ancestry – Klecker Family Tree. I see the note at the bottom left of the birth document. I did not understand that this was information about her death. I do not understand how to read that note. I understand „Kotowiach” refers to Kotowice. I then see „10.12.1908 4545/89”. Can you help me understand how you determined that this information indicates her death in 10.12.1989?
Thank you for your interest and comment.
15 czerwca 2020 o 17:59 #21132RichardK
UżytkownikAgain, for Alex. I made an information request to Urząd Stanu Cywilnego in Katowice regarding the death of Hildegard Magdelina Kolassa. I received a reply that there is no record of her death in their electronic database. She would most likely have been married, at least once, if she lived to 86 years of age. I’m not sure that Urząd Stanu Cywilnego would be able to identify her by her maiden name.
Thanks for your help with this.
16 czerwca 2020 o 02:17 #21137damesinflames
UżytkownikHi @RichardK,
can you tell me how this „information request” works? Have you done it personally or is it possible to do it by mail/online somehow?
Thanks in adbance!
16 czerwca 2020 o 19:11 #21138RichardK
UżytkownikHello @damesinflames. This is the website for the Civil Registry Office in Katowice:,usc-urzad-stanu-cywilnego,19,285159.html. On the opening page select „Send Inquiry” (Wyślij zapytanie).
Happy hunting.
Richard7 lipca 2020 o 00:04 #21219Axee
UżytkownikAgain, for Alex. I made an information request to Urząd Stanu Cywilnego in Katowice regarding the death of Hildegard Magdelina Kolassa. I received a reply that there is no record of her death in their electronic database. She would most likely have been married, at least once, if she lived to 86 years of age. I’m not sure that Urząd Stanu Cywilnego would be able to identify her by her maiden name.
Thanks for your help with this.
Hey Richard! Try to ask about a death certificate no. 4545/89 USC Katowice, if the first names matches, ask for the surname. Ask about „Akt Zgonu nr 4545/89 USC Katowice, Hildegarda Magdalena z domu Kolasa, urodzona 28.03.1903 w Siemianowicach (Laura Hutte) zmarła 10.12.1989 roku w Katowicach” …
The original birth certificate is kept at the Civil Registry Office Siemianowice Śląskie (
The only problem may be the Act on Civil Registry Files and their issue for non-related persons in a straight line.
WBR Bogusław
Pozdrawiam Bogusław.
7 lipca 2020 o 18:38 #21228RichardK
UżytkownikHello Axee. Thanks for your interest and information. I have recently been in email contact with USC Katowice. They confirmed that the record 4545/89 is for Hildegard Magdalina Kolassa. They have agreed to provide me with that document. I am now in the process of providing them with the necessary request form and payment information. The people at USC Katowice have been very friendly and helpful throughout the process
13 kwietnia 2021 o 22:03 #27147RichardK
UżytkownikAgain for Alex or anyone that can help. I did receive A copy of the „Akt Zgonu” for HIldegrad Magdalina. That document names the person that reported her death as a daughter and provides her married name. I came hoping to find someone that could help me search for that person. She probably lives in Kotowice.I would be will to pay a reasonable fee for the help.
16 kwietnia 2021 o 10:36 #27182Axee
UżytkownikHello Richard.
Check email 🙂
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21 maja 2021 o 08:00 #27592Axee
UżytkownikSprawa poszukiwań została rozwiązana, RichardK został skontaktowany z wnuczką Pani Hildegardy Kolasy.
Pozdrawiam Bogusław.
23 maja 2021 o 23:22 #27614RichardK
UżytkownikI would like to thank axee/Bogusław for the time and effort he spent selflessly helping me make connect with a lost branch of my family tree. I have donated zł750.00 PLN to Górnośląskie Towarzystwo Genealogiczne. I would like this contribution to be in the name of Bogusław in recognition of his contribution. It is members like Bogusław that make an organization such as this an important contributor to those researching their Silesian roots.
RichardK -
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