Hello from USA. Searching for Josef Zebrak

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    Hi, I am searching for the parents of my 3x great grandfather, Josef Zebrak. I would also like to find his birthplace and birthdate. He was supposed to be born about 1823 in Cieszyn Silesia. He married Maria Skowron from Gumna and their daughter, Theresia Zebrak, was born in 1858 in Pogwizdow in Gmina Hazlach. Josef Zebrak leased the dairy of Baron Mattencloit in Zebrzydowice where he made Swiss cheese. He was living at Haus nr. 84 in Zebrzydowice Dolne in 1884. I believe he died in 1888.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    Szukam rodziców mojego trzykrotnego pradziadka Josefa Zebraka. Chciałbym też znaleźć jego miejsce i datę urodzenia. Miał urodzić się około 1823 roku na Śląsku Cieszyńskim. Ożenił się z Marią Skowron z Gumnej, a ich córka Theresia Zebrak urodziła się w 1858 r. W Pogwizdowie w gminie Hazlach. Josef Zebrak dzierżawił mleczarnię barona Mattencloita w Zebrzydowicach, gdzie wytwarzał szwajcarski ser. Mieszkał w domu nr 84 w Zebrzydowicach Dolnych w 1884 r. Myślę, że zmarł w 1888 r.

    Każda pomoc byłaby bardzo mile widziana. Z góry dziękuję.

    • Ten temat został zmodyfikowany 3 years, 9 months temu przez Ginger.
    • Ten temat został zmodyfikowany 3 years, 9 months temu przez Ginger.
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    All the churchbooks from this region are currently being taken from local parishes to diocese archives in Bielsko-Biala. Its hard to tell which are already there and which are not. If you have dates and places you can write the archives here:


    Im sorry i cannot help you any further, your area of research is the most genealogically neglected in all Silesia. But that slowly changes, people are indexing and churchbooks are constantly being made available.




    Thank you for your reply.

    I have found land records at familysearch.org and the State District Archives in Opava in the Czech Republic that show people named Zebrak in Pogwizdow from 1723 to 1820 but I have no idea if they are the ancestors of my Josef Zebrak or how they may be related to him. I am at a brick wall for now. I suppose I must hope that the situation improves in the future and that more church books and records become available. Thanks!

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