Carola Knoppik, daughter of Johann Knoppik, was born around 1837 according to her marriage record from 1860. Johann Knoppik married Marianna Urbanietz only 24.10.1848 and was a widower, so Marianna Urbanietz was Carola’s stepmother. According to this marriage record, he was 45 years old in 1848, thus born around 1803.
There is a interesting death record 101/1847 in Dębieńsko of Marianna Knoppik, nee Kołodziejczyk. She was 81 years old and a wife of Johann Knoppik. There is a list of children she left (and a husband). Among them there is Johann Knoppik 43 years old – I guess Carola’s father. There is also a death record 69/1848 of Agnes Knoppik, nee Kroliczek, 45 years old and a wife of Johann Knoppik. This must have been Carola’s mother. Finally, there is also a death record 193/1848 of Johann Knoppik, 80 years old. This must have been husband of Marianna Kołodziejczyk, hence Carola’s grandfather.